India's Largest Electric Vehicle Portal

EV Future

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Full Name:
City/Country: * will appear next to your posts
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Email: * This will be your username

Interact With Members

Many users have offered their services to us to assist in answering questions and guiding people. If you wish to assist, select the relevant fields here. Your name and/or number will appear in relevant places on the site. You can always enable and disable this from your account settings page.
Yes, I would be ready to assist users who want help choosing a vehicle to buy. If you enter your phone number it will be posted on the product page so people can reach you. PLEASE only select this if you are an EV Owner or able to provide useful information to users that call you. Also, will only be active if you select 'EV Owner' or 'Dealer' in the 'Your Interest' field above.
Vehicle You Own:
Telephone: * Will be displayed in relevant places
Yes, I am a registered dealer and am able to sell vehicles.

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Registered Users

Who Is Online

There are currently 14 guests and 0 registered users online.
  Who Is Online

Electric Bike Type

  Electric Bicycles
  Electric Mopeds
  Electric Scooters
  Electric Motorcycles
  Electric Cars
  Electric Wheelchairs
  Electric 3-wheelers
  EVFuture Online Shop


Conversion Kits

Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit
Did you know that you can convert any bicycle to electric using our conversion kits? Click here for details about ebike kits and online purchase information.

EV Manufacturers

  Accura Bikes
  Ampere Vehicles
  BSA Motors
  Crazy Ebikes
  CYNOSURE Enterprises Ltd.
  EBike India
  Eko Vehicles
  Green Electric
  Hero Electric
  Lohia Group
  Lovenssa Motors
  Morello Yamasaki
  Paradise Electro Auto
  RK Motors
  Susil Vidyuth Motors
  Tara International
  Ultra Motors
  Vijaya Value Electric
  Youth Bikes
  Zhongshen PEM