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EV Future

Crazy Ebikes - Trend

Manufactured by Crazy Ebikes
User Rating:

Score: 2.7 (3 votes)
Price: Rs. 29,734

Category: Electric Scooter


This electric scooter is imported or manufactured by Crazy Ebikes. It has a autonomy of approximately 55 to 65 Kms on a single charge and a top speed of 25 km/h.
No registration or license is required to drive this vehicle.
ARAI Certification was attained for this product.
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Range/Autonomy:55 to 65 Kms
Top Speed:25 km/h
Batteries: 22Ah SLA

This product is no longer in production or we have no response from the manufacturer so no contact details are available.

User Comments

Comment posting for this product has been disabled since the product is no longer manufactured.
By ANILKUMAR KASAL on 16 01, 2011 i want a dealership of this bike in shivamogga...can you please give d information about the distributors in karnataka.....please mail me at

By rahul agarwal on 01 10, 2010plsese provide me the convertor of this model
By rahul agarwal on 01 10, 2010i need a convertor of this bike if anyone provide me very soon contaact me at -09259407540 & 9837229909
By Jaysundar Pandey on 30 07, 2010We are largest lead acid battery manufacturer in India, and we are interested in doing business with you.Mail: Or Contact on 9974884731 Only for gujarat.All E- Bikes Battery.
By Avishek Agarwala on 11 04, 2010i like this bike that why i want image of this bike and if you can you can show more model and sir please tell me the deler of west bengal from where i can buy your produts you can give this information in my ID
By Avishek Agarwala on 11 04, 2010 i like this bike that why i want image of this bike and if you can you can show more model and sir please tell me the deler of west bengal from where i can buy your produts you can give this information in my ID
By Edwin on 01 03, 2009Any information you need about ebike importing, problem solve, new ebike product, etc, please connect with me.
By E BikeZone Mob 09327680399/09727593777 on 09 01, 2009The theme of e bike zone in all its ventures is to attain the great big smile on all the faces to which it reaches out. The company also envisages in bringing about a revolution in rural India - That of everyone owning on automobile at an affordable cost with negligible maintenance expense. Thus products like the E-bicycle and E-bike.The company also encourages noble thoughts and concepts that can enlighten rural India. If some body or a company has thoughts on these platforms, we would be eager to lend a helping to make a noble thought come true …Our product & services Electrical Bi-cycle.A,Electrical Motor-cycle,Electric car,Electric Three wheeler,Electric Bus,Auto Retrofitting Equipment,Consulting of new product development ,Consulting of product launching,Promoting green technology,R&D in fuel cell ,Bulk Sales of ebike,Spears of ebike ,Job work,New project,Import/export.
By bidhu bhusan on 07 09, 2008Can you please send me the following:
a.) Cost Details
b.) Dealers and contact numbers in bangalore
c.) Installation of the charging unit, mine is an apartment, so how would the conduits basically be extended
d.) details about charge storage, like can i use it for office travel (12+12 kms) morning and dealer in vizag,AP
By James Xu on 22 08, 2008I'm a manufacturer of scooter.if you want scooter,please contact me.

James Xu
Hipow S.A

By James Xu on 22 08, 2008I'm a manufacturer of scooter.if you want scooter,please contact me.

James Xu
Hipow S.A
By Nishit Mehta on 07 08, 2008contect 9227903444 for dealrship of crazy ebike or visit
By Nishit Mehta on 07 08, 2008sand mail for spears of all e bike reqirement or contect 09227903444.
By krishna on 12 06, 2008sent me the list of dealers nearer to kochi and details
By Vaithianathan on 07 06, 2008from where we can buy this product
By gopakumar on 05 06, 2008please send me the detailed Specifications and dealers list by email
By suresh on 30 05, 2008please locate dealer in coimbatore
By LALITKUMAR on 30 05, 2008Pls let me know Bangalore dealer name
By ifra farheen alam on 29 05, 2008who iz the dealer in navi mumbai..... m witing 4 the answer... plzz reply asap..!
By BS Keshavamurthy on 22 05, 2008Who is the dealer in Bangalore? Please provide name, address and contact details.
By Ayan Adhya on 16 04, 2008Please inform me in West Bengal where I will get this bike for my aged father.
By Ramsamy on 05 04, 2008sorry it is there
By Ramsamy on 05 04, 2008please provide the price information


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EV Manufacturers

  Accura Bikes
  Ampere Vehicles
  BSA Motors
  Crazy Ebikes
  CYNOSURE Enterprises Ltd.
  EBike India
  Eko Vehicles
  Green Electric
  Hero Electric
  Lohia Group
  Lovenssa Motors
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