India's Largest Electric Vehicle Portal

EV Future

B2B Services - Dealer Enquiry Form

EVFuture has connections to various manufacturers and is in a position to help you establish connections with them for dealership of products.   
This process is undertaken on a case-by-case basis after reviewing your setup.  EVFuture will take a one-time fee to work out your details and establish a connection to a manufacturer looking for dealership in your area.

Getting Started

Please fill in the following form and send it to us.  Please note that you need to fill it in in proper English and with as much detail as possible in order for us to process it.  Partially submitted forms will be ignored.

Your Full Name
Company Name
Registered Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Describe your current activity
Describe the showroom you intend to use, including size of showroom and location in your city/town
Describe the type of vehicles you wish to sell - which category (scooter, cycle) and which power range you are looking for.
If you have any preference for the manufacturer, specify the manufacturers you are looking for here
If you have done a market survery in your area, give details of the quantities you intend to sell per month
Give us any other comments/details relevant to dealership so that we can communicate the same.
I state that all information above is accurate


B2B Services

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B2B Services
B2B Services - Dealer Enquiry Form

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Electric Bike Type

  Electric Bicycles
  Electric Mopeds
  Electric Scooters
  Electric Motorcycles
  Electric Cars
  Electric Wheelchairs
  Electric 3-wheelers
  EVFuture Online Shop


Conversion Kits

Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit
Did you know that you can convert any bicycle to electric using our conversion kits? Click here for details about ebike kits and online purchase information.

EV Manufacturers

  Accura Bikes
  Ampere Vehicles
  BSA Motors
  Crazy Ebikes
  CYNOSURE Enterprises Ltd.
  EBike India
  Eko Vehicles
  Green Electric
  Hero Electric
  Lohia Group
  Lovenssa Motors
  Morello Yamasaki
  Paradise Electro Auto
  RK Motors
  Susil Vidyuth Motors
  Tara International
  Ultra Motors
  Vijaya Value Electric
  Youth Bikes
  Zhongshen PEM