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Electric vehicles may require certification.  This is something that you will probably not get a straight answer for when you ask your dealer.  Many dealers have said that the Indian law permits EVs on the roads upto 1500 W without any certification.  This is UNTRUE.

The Gazette of India, dated September 16, 2005 has amended the  Central Motor Vehicle Rules fo 1989 with the following:
"Battery Operated Vehicle" means a vehicle adapted for use upon roads and powered exclusively by an electric motor whose traction energy is supplied exclusively by traction battery installed in the vehicle:

Provided that if the following conditions are verified and authorized by any testing agency specified in rule 125, the battery operated vehicle shall not be deemed to be a motor vehicle.

  (I) the thirty minutes power of the motor is less than 0.25 kW.;
  (II) the maximum speed of the vehicle is less than 25 km/h;
  (III) bi-cycles with pedal assistance which are - (a) equipped with an auxiliary electric motor having a thirty minute power less than 0.25 kW; whose output is progressively reduced and finally cut off as the vehicle reaches a speed of 25 km/h, or sooner, if the cyclist stops pedalling; and (b) fitted with suitable brakes and retro-reflective devices, i.e. one white reflector in the  front and one red reflector at the rear.

Explanation:  The thirty minute power of the motor is defined in AIS:049:2003 and method of verification is prescribed in AIS:041:2003, till the corresponding BIS specifications are notified under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986.

You have to contact the ARAI to get type approval if you are manufacturing vehicles that are over 250W.  Make sure your dealer has obtained this certification before you buy a vehicle.
For more information, visit the ARAI website.



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