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EV Future

Electric Motors

Electric motors are used to drive vehicles because they can be finely controlled, they deliver power efficiently and they are mechanically very simple. Electric motors often achieve 90% conversion efficiency over the full range of speeds and power output and can be precisely controlled. Electric motors can provide high torque while an EV is stopped, unlike internal combustion engines, and do not need gears to match power curves. This removes the need for gearboxes and torque converters. Electric motors also have the ability to convert movement energy back into electricity, through regenerative braking. This can be used to reduce the wear on brake systems and reduce the total energy requirement of a trip.
BLDC Hub Motors

Hub motors are mounted in the wheel of the vehicle.  They come in various shapes and forms with add-ons such as disk-brakes.

Hub motors come in a variety of power ratings and sizes.  The most common BLDC motor is rated at less than 250 Watts and is used on electric cycles and scooters throughout India and China. 
There are two types of hub motor:  Non-geared and Geared hub motors.  The non-geared motor is much simpler and longer lasting than the geared motor but has the disadvantage the the starting torque is much less.  This works alright for smaller size rims but for larger rims a geared motor is advised. 
Geared motors usually have planetary gears inside and the actual RPM of the motor is much higher than the RPM of the hub.  Torque is higher for the same power rating.
EV Future supplies both geared and gearless motors in the form of a kit that you can retrofit onto existing bicycles.



BLDC Hub Motors
Electric Motors
Electric Vehicles
Lead-Acid Batteries
Lithium Batteries

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Conversion Kits

Electric Bicycle Conversion Kit
Did you know that you can convert any bicycle to electric using our conversion kits? Click here for details about ebike kits and online purchase information.

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